The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network's working group on Freedom of association blog.
Le blog du groupe de travail sur la liberté d'association du Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen des Droits de l'Homme.


4th Working Group Meeting, Amman 8-9 November 2008, Agenda English (See working docs on the left column)

Aims of the meeting:

1. Analysis of the findings of the second EMHRN Freedom of Association Review to identify issues/countries to focus on in lobbying efforts (Review will be officially launched on the 10th Anniversary of the HRD Declaration (9 Dec. 2008) – venue tbc)
2. Session on the new Jordan Societies Law: identification of issues to highlight in meetings with officials (meetings with authorities are scheduled for Monday 10 November)
3. Agreeing on the methodology and content of the third Review on Freedom of Association


8.30 – 9.00 Registration of participants

9.00 -9.45 Session 1: Welcome, presentation and agreeing on the agenda and objectives of the working group meeting
Moderator: Eva Norstrom

- Agreeing on the agenda
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Roundtable of participants (Some Jordanian organisations have been invited to participate to the first day of the WG meeting)

9.45-10.00 Coffee Break

10.00- 12.30 Session 2: Findings of the second Report on Freedom of Association in the EuroMed region and adoption of an advocacy strategy
Moderator: Anne Laurence Lacroix

- Focus on Dec. 9th, 2008 – venue to be identified (Brussels or Geneva?)
- Identification of countries for advocacy visits in 2009
- Identification of ‘trans-national’ issues to address (e.g. one of the recurrent theme is how the authorities prevent access to deliver the receipt of declaration)
- Create synergies with partners who have been invited to the meeting (Nauman Foundation, Club de Madrid...)

- Aim: Identify key issues/countries to lobby on the basis of the findings
- Working documents: overview of the 2nd Review, Recommendations of the 2nd Review (tbc)

12:30- 14.00 Lunch

14.00-16.30 Session 3: 2008 Jordan Societies Law: A Step Backwards?
Speakers: Ghassan Moukheiber – Ubab Murad – Ghosson Rahal

- Presentation of the chapter on Jordan of the 2nd EMHRN Review on Freedom of Association (by Ghosson Rahal, author of the report 10’)
- Update on the activities that have already been completed and Discussion of actions to be taken at this stage (Update by Ubab Murad 10’ - Start of discussion by Ghassan Moukheiber 10’)
- Identification of issues to highlight in meetings with officials (meetings with authorities are scheduled for Monday 10 November) - Explore conformity of the Jordan Societies Law provisions with international standards

- Aim: Identify a lobbying strategy to counter the restrictive aspects of the Jordan Societies Law
- Working docs: 2008 Societies Law, The chapter on Jordan of the 2nd Review

Including Coffee Break

19.00 Dinner


09.00-12.30 Session 4: Discussion on the methodology and the content of the third Review on Freedom of Association
Moderator: Iain Byrne

- Do we need a new steering committee?
- How to strengthen involvement of members during the next consultation process?
- How to involve grass-roots organisations?
- How to develop indicators for the next editions?

-Do we work on the 11 countries or do we identify 1-2 countries to focus on?
- Do we insert transversal topics (e.g. religious minorities, role of the Judiciary, GONGOs
- How to ensure follow-up on Gender and Counter-terrorism (The justice WG will also deal with CT in the near future)?

§ Aim: Define methodology, scope and content of the 3rd Review
§ Working document: none

Including Coffee Break

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00-16.30 Session 6: Assessment of the work carried out by the WG for the past 2 years
Moderator: Iain Byrne

- Review + solidarity actions – How to improve involvement of members
- How to improve our work and our visibility?
- Preparation of the GA – how to present our work?
- By-laws and Concept paper - Evaluation scheme of the meeting

- Aim: Assessment of our work
- Working document: By-laws and Concept paper - Evaluation scheme of the meeting

Including Coffee Break

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